Long Eaton café dedicated to providing free breakfasts celebrated its first anniversary on Monday, May 20th. Since opening last year the Petersham Community Breakfast Café has provided more than 1000 breakfasts on Monday mornings to locals. Clients were invited to a special birthday celebration at the café to enjoy some home-made birthday cake and party games with prizes, after tucking in to the usual Monday morning breakfast. Situated in The Petersham Hall on Grasmere Road, Long Eaton, the project is run by Hope Long Eaton, a local group with a Christian ethos.
“The café offers free breakfasts for everyone who comes along and is currently open on a Monday morning between 9am-12 pm,” said project co-ordinator Carl McCarthy.
In addition to providing meals the café operates as a centre for local residents get advice and support on a variety of issues. A Citizens Advice worker is available to offer help, and local councillors hold surgeries there. For the unemployed Hope Long Eaton recently opened a job club which runs alongside the café between 10am and 12 pm. Here clients receive helpful advice on creating an effective CV, job interview skills and job search.
For those on low income worried about high energy bills the café’s volunteers will search for the cheapest tariff, as well as making benefit checks to make sure people are getting all they are entitled to.
“The problems facing some of the people coming to us can include homelessness, debt, unemployment and benefit delay,” added Carl.
“And not everyone who turns up is experiencing hardship. Many of those coming here just want to pop in for a chat and make new friends in the community.”
One offer here too are craft activities, games and a small play area for young children. Run and staffed by mainly Christian volunteers, the initiative has been funded by Derbyshire Public Health and relies on donations of food which come from Tesco, Asda, The Co-op and local charity the Canaan Trust.
“The breakfast café is about far more than food. Through God’s love we want help people in need, create a spirit of community and restore people’s faith in humanity,” commented Carl.
Hope is looking to enlarge its operations to run more activities and is now seeking funding and volunteers for this. If you feel you could help contact the team on 07838357262 or email hopelongeaton@gmail.com or go to the Facebook page Hope Long Eaton.