Saturday, 25 April 2020


Erewash Borough Council has released funds through its Community Grants Scheme to help local voluntary groups and organisations during these difficult times. Applications for funding of up to £2,000 can be made now and the council is particularly keen to support projects and initiatives that are helping the local community face the exceptional challenges caused by coronavirus.  The grants scheme has helped hundreds of local groups and sporting organisations over the years and the release of the latest funds is to support all the vital charity and voluntary work that is going on right now in the borough. The council wants to hear from as many organisations as possible ahead of the closing deadline for applications of 5.30pm on Thursday 21st May. Grants are awarded for projects that help Erewash residents and in the past have been awarded to community groups, pre-school groups, churches, village hall charities and organisations that offer support in countless ways to the young and old. Councillor Carol Hart, Leader of Erewash Borough Council, says:
“This funding is the first of this financial year and we have moved quickly to put it in place so we can help the important voluntary and charity work that we know is going on right now. We are well aware that many charities and organisations are facing problems, which is why we have re-acted immediately to get this funding up and running.”
Councillor Val Clare, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Community Engagement, has also sent a message to local groups:
“We want to hear from everyone, but we are especially keen to support those who are helping vulnerable people. We applaud and thank all those involved who have stepped up to the mark and are out there supporting those who are most at risk in our communities. Please apply for up to £2,000.”

All applications are welcome, but new grant requests might include projects, for example, that are providing food and necessities, support to help people deal with isolation, befriending schemes and health initiatives to help people stay mobile and active. Applications are also welcome to help cover running costs as a result of responding to COVID-19, for example the cost of recruiting, training and supporting volunteers to deliver essential services such as telephone calls, rent, gas and electricity and other costs, where this has not already been provided from another source. Full details of the Community Grants Scheme and an online application form can be found at 

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