Monday, 6 July 2020


All 50 play areas in Erewash will re-open this week on Thursday 9th July following the easing of coronavirus lockdown restrictions and comprehensive safety checks by Erewash Borough Council. The council has carried out extensive inspections on the play sites across the borough and is now urging residents to follow safety guidance to keep everyone as safe as possible and minimise the risks of spreading the virus. In addition to the play areas, the outdoor gym equipment at West Park in Long Eaton will also reopen. Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leisure, says:

“Before re-opening the play areas, our first priority has been to ensure that they all meet the highest standards of safety in line with all the guidance issued to combat covid-19. I can assure everyone that a lot of hard work has gone in to ensure children will be as safe as possible. We know our play facilities are very popular with families, especially during the summer. However, we do need everyone to play their part and appeal to parents to take responsibility for basic hygiene measures and safety guidance. We thank everyone for their help in this.”

Safety advice will be on display at the play areas, with guidance including:
·         Please do not visit the park if any family member has symptoms of the virus.
·         Continue to follow safe social distancing of at least two metres where possible and encourage children to do the same.
·         Wash hands before leaving the house and on returning home. At the park use hand sanitiser regularly, especially before and after eating, and after touching shared surfaces such as gates, railings and climbing frames.
·         Take wipes to clean the areas of play equipment that children are most likely to touch, such as the handles on seesaws and bars on climbing frames.
·         Discourage children from putting their hands in their mouths after playing, and from putting their mouths on the play equipment.
·         Avoid eating or drinking within play areas. 
·         If the bins are full, please take your litter home with you.
Anyone using the outdoor gym circuit at West Park is asked to take cleaning products with them and wipe down equipment before and after use. Wash or sanitise hands before and after using the gym and do not use if feeling unwell. The Splashpad water playpark at West Park remains closed until further notice in line with Government guidance.

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