Thursday, 2 July 2020


Parking charges have resumed in all Erewash Borough Council car parks from 1st July. The fees were suspended by the council on 27th March to support and show appreciation for key workers who needed to park in the borough’s car parks, including Long Eaton Railway Station, for long periods during the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. But with restrictions easing, and following the permitted opening of all non-essential shops, the council has made the decision to lift the suspension on parking charges and will return to the standard tariff of up to one hour free, up to 2 hours, £1.50; up to 3 hours, £2.00; and over 3 hours, £4.00 from Wednesday 1st July. All charges run from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday inclusive – excluding Bank Holidays. All parking in Erewash Borough Council car parks is free of charge on Sundays. Councillor Michael Powell, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Regeneration and Planning, says:

“It was absolutely right that we suspended the charges to help our key workers and residents during what has been the most difficult of times for everyone. While the way forward out of lockdown is ongoing, the fact is that restrictions have been eased and we – along with councils across the country - had to make a decision on when charges would be reintroduced. We have to now start looking at the way forward, at the financial situation and how best we can continue – having, I believe, worked with our wonderful community in the monumental effort to get us all through this crisis. With town centre shops in Ilkeston and Long Eaton now able to open, we hope residents will support them as the High Streets look to recover from the lockdown.”

Before the coronavirus lockdown the council had agreed a new and simplified two-tier charging system of just £1 for up to three hours and £3 for any period over three hours, with the current rates remaining the same at the commuter car park at Long Eaton Railway Station. This is still going ahead and the revised charges will come into force on Thursday 1st October. 

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